Impacts of Covid on Indigenous Communities in Latin America
The Coronavirus pandemic has disproportionally impacted a large number of Indigenous groups in Latin America, resulting in widespread death, and uncovering long-standing structural threats to Indigenous peoples’ physical and cultural existence. This is not only tragic because of the loss of these precious lives, but also disrupts intergenerational transfer of cultural knowledge within these ethnic groups. Join Blanca Yagüe as she moderates a discussion with Ángela López Urrego and Jozilea Kangang, who will detail this crisis in some of the areas that are most affected by the pandemic in Colombia and Brazil. This event will consist of a 20-minute discussion with each speaker followed by a Q&A.
Date: Thursday, November 19
Time: 12 p.m.
Ángela López Urrego
Candidata a Doctora en Estudios Amazónicos | Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Amazonia | Grupo de Estudios Transfronterizos GET | Leticia, Colombia Estudiante invitada del Centro de Urbanización, Cultura y Sociedad | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique INRS | Montreal, Canadá
Joziléia Kaingang
Indígena Kaingang, liderança Indígena, professora, ativista ambiental, antropóloga, Doutoranda Ppgas/Ufsc | Pesquisadora do Instituto Brasil Plural – Ibp | Consultora da ONU Mulheres | Parte da Frente Indígena e Indigenista de Combate e Controle a Covid19 Na Região Sul | Participa da Rede Global de Mulheres Indígenas Trabalhando pela Cura da Terra | Engajada no movimento de mudança, pela sociedade justa e inclusiva na constante construção de uma sociedade do Bem Viver
Blanca Yagüe
Phd Student In Antropology - University Of Utah | Master in Amazonian Studies - Universidad Nacional De Colombia Sede Amazonia