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Poster with Event Details

Date: July 7, 2020

Time: 1:40-2:30 p.m. MST

Location: Zoom

Please Note: This program is open to all Summer Nahuatl Language and Culture Program.

This presentation focuses on demonstrating and analyzing the religious work carried out by the motiochihuanih (Lit. ‘people who become gods) who are the traditional catechists and rezanderos in the Chicontepec communities. During these devotions, motiochihuanih sing and pray Catholic prayers in Nahuatl, derived from authentic translations. Today they represent religious models for the tlaneltocanih “believers.”

Rezanderos are religious leaders who worked in their youth as volunteer catechists to share Catholic doctrine. Through training and instruction in catechism given by the Chicontepec parish, they catechized their own communities. As they worked as catechists, the Nahuas incorporated them to work in prayers when a family member died, teaching dual behavior by being devoted between the local religion and Catholicism. Once catechists retired due to old age or were expelled from the Catholic Church, they made a living as traditional rezanderos.


Make sure to mark your calendar for every Tuesday in July to make sure you are apart of this incrediabe series. Each week a new speaker and topic will be discussed. 

Last Updated: 11/4/21