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Summer Nahuatl Brown Bag Series

The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of Utah holds an annual Brown Bag Lecture series as part of its Summer Nahuatl Language and Culture Intensive Program. In an effort to create a network of indigenous studies scholars, CLAS organizes weekly Brown Bag Talks with a variety of speakers ranging from the program’s Nahuatl program instructors, U of U faculty, external academics, as well as participating students.

Date: July 20
Time: 1:40-2:30pm
Location: Zoom

Dr. Jeff Pynes has a BA in Linguistics from UC Berkeley and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Utah. He has conducted a variety of research projects including field work with several North and Central American indigenous languages, most notably Nahuatl and Shoshone. Jeff specializes in Nahuatl linguistics and has conducted research specifically on Nahuatl and its relation to the encoding of spatial relations in the verb, color categorization, morphosyntactic parallelism, historical reconstruction through the oral tradition, and the linguistic structuring of some genres. He currently is working in translation.

Please note: This event will be recording and posted on our YouTube channel

Last Updated: 11/4/21