History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Mexico (REDMUGEN)
September 14, 15, 16, 2023
University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Local Host: Dr. Susie Porter, Professor Gender Studies Division/ Department of History, University of Utah.
REDMUGEN committee hosts: Víctor Macías González, University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse; Nichole Sanders, University of Lynchburg; Margarita Vásquez Montaño, El Colegio Mexiquense; Elizabeth Cejudo Ramos, La Universidad de Sonora; and Gabriela Cano, El Colegio de México.
Women in Mexico gained the right to suffrage in Federal elections in 1953. We propose a conference to commemorate the 70th anniversary of this event and to celebrate the history of women, gender, and sexuality in Mexico and the Mexican diaspora. The conference will attract attention as people in the United States and Mexico celebrate the anniversary. The conference at the University of Utah will be held over 2 and a half days and attract some 60 scholars from across the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
The conference builds on the efforts of REDMUGEN, the network for historians of women, gender, and sexuality in Mexico. Since its founding, the REDMUGEN conference has alternated between Mexico and the United States: Yale University (2001); Universidad de Guadalajara (2003); University of Utah (2005); El Colegio de Michoacán (2007); Oaxaca CIESAS-Pacifico Sur/ Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (2010); El Colegio de México (2013); University of California, San Diego (2017); and Universidad de Sonora (2020).
REDMUGEN conferences have resulted in a rich array of publications, including The Women's Revolution in Mexico, 1910-1953, edited by Stephanie Mitchell and Patience A. Schell (Rowman and Littlefield, 2006); Orden social e identidad de género. México siglos XIX y XX, María Teresa Fernández Aceves, Carmen Ramos Escandón y Susie Porter, eds., (Guadalajara, CIESAS Universidad de Guadalajara, 2006); Sex in Revolution: Gender, Politics, and Power in Modern Mexico, edited by Mary Kay Vaughan, Gabriela Cano, and Jocelyn Olcott (Duke Univesrity Press, 2007); Género, poder y política en el México posrevolucionario, eds. Cano, Gabriela, Jocelyn Olcott y Mary Kay Vaughan (comps.); and Género en la encrucijada de la historia social y cultural, edited by Susie S. Porter and María Teresa Fernández (CIESAS/El Colegio de Michoacán, 2015).
If you still need accommodations, please call the University Guest House at 801-587-1000.