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Congratulations Carolina Bloem de Singer!

The Center for Latin American Studies is very proud that Carolina Bloem, PhD in Spanish, has recently defended her dissertation through The Department of World Languages & Cultures! The title of her dissertation: Pütchi, puentes y lapü: Oralitura wayuu contemporánea. The study focuses on the Wayuu adaptation of the term oralitura, mainly analyzing selected works by Estercilia Simanca Pushaina, Vicenta Siosi Pino, and Vito Apüshana/Malohe. 

We are so excited for you and hope to celebrate this great accomplishment when we are fully operational and back in the office!

Carolina and Isabel image

Carolina pictured with Prof. Isabel Dulfano, World Languages & Cultures Department

Carolina has done amazing things for the Center for Latin American Studies and we want to take a moment to highlight some of the most recent collaborations. She has helped organize and co-host the 2019 celebration of Indigenous languages events in the community, SLCC and U of U, and she is currently developing Latin American Studies courses at SLCC.  Carolina has always welcomed the Centers into her classes to share resources and opportunities like FLAS and CLAC with students at SLCC and she has been an advocate for the instruction of Indigenous Languages of Latin America.  It is clear that students that take her classes have great experiences learning Spanish and she is a strong advocate for students. 
Carolina was also a 2019 CLAS pre-dissertation travel grantee! We know great things are to come for Carolina and we hope to be able to share these moments! 
Last Updated: 11/4/21