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UNLCP Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

We make every effort to ensure that financial constraints are not an obstacle for participating in the Summer Nahuatl Language program by providing FLAS fellowships and other partial tuition scholarships.

FLAS Summer Fellowship:

University of Utah undergraduate students may apply for Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for study at the intermediate or advanced level; and UU graduate students may apply for a Summer FLAS fellowship for all levels.

Students may apply for FLAS at both their home institution and through the UU. Students applying from a FLAS granting institution should apply to their home institution in addition to completing the UU FLAS application as we will only offer a limited number of FLAS Fellowships to students from other U.S. universities. 

Non-UU Students should also apply for a FLAS fellowship at their home institution first. Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship PDF applications will only be accepted via email to and from applicants who do not currently have a University of Utah Unid (all returning students of the summer Utah Nahuatl Language and Culture Program should have a UU Unid and be able to login to Academic Works by clicking the application link on this webpage. If you do not have a unid please follow the instructions below to complete the PDF application.

For PDF applications, please note the following submission guidelines:

  • Combine all files together in one PDF if possible, but in any case, send all application materials (except for your letters of recommendation and letter of recommendation forms) in one, not multiple, emails.
  • Ask your recommenders to email their letters directly to with a completed letter of recommendation form as well. As the applicant, you will not email the letters or forms directly.

Request all transcripts to your own email (not and after you download them yourself, then send a digital copy to with your other application materials at the time of your full FLAS application submission.

FLAS PDF Application

For FLAS specific questions please contact Roxanna Lee.

Partial Tuition assistance:

Partial Tuition assistance:
Partial tuition assistance is available to a limited number of students who demonstrate need. Please contact us at for more information and to be considered for partial tuition assistance. All students seeking partial student assistance should first apply for FLAS and/or other funding opportunities at their home institutions if eligible. You can apply for both FLAS and Partial tuition assistance.

Last Updated: 1/14/25